Colerain Boosters Bylaws

Mission Statement

The Colerain School District Booster Association (hereinafter called Boosters or Colerain Boosters) mission is to support and foster excellence in extracurricular activities at Colerain High School and its two (2) middle schools, White Oak and Colerain. Regular monthly Boosters meetings are to be conducted in a manner that keeps the focus on this mission.

  • Section 1: Any person residing in the Colerain High School attendance area, alumnus, employee, or any non-resident as approved by the Executive Committee, and his or her spouse, shall be eligible to become a member of the Boosters.

    Section 2: Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on all matters brought before any meeting of the Boosters.

    Section 3: The Executive Committee shall establish annual membership contribution levels. The membership year shall run from August 1 through July 31 of each year. Membership contributions may be received at any time throughout the year. No person shall be considered a member in good standing until their annual contribution has been paid nor shall a member be eligible

  • Section 1: Regular meetings of the Boosters shall be held on the 3rd Monday of each calendar month except the months of June, July and December when no regular scheduled meeting shall be held. A member in good standing must be present to vote. No vote-by-proxy shall be allowed.

    Section 2: Fifteen (15) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transacting of any business at any regular monthly meeting of the Boosters.

  • Section 1: The following shall be the elected positions of the Boosters:

    • a.) President

    • b.) Vice President

    • c.) Secretary

    • d.) Treasurer

    • e.) Six (6) Trustees.

  • Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers and trustees of the Boosters, the immediate Past President, and the Athletic Director of Colerain High School.

    Section 2: The Executive Committee shall meet not less than quarterly to review the status of projects, initiatives, finances, and any other matters pertinent to the mission of the Boosters.

    Section 3: Five (5) members of the Executive Committee present at any meeting of said Committee shall constitute a quorum for voting on any matters coming before said Committee.

    Section 4: If a vacancy shall occur in any elected position, the Executive Committee shall recommend a successor to fill the vacancy for approval at the next regular meeting of the Boosters.

    Section 5: Duties of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:

    • a.) Transact any necessary business in the intervals between the regular monthly meetings of the Boosters meetings

    • b.) Approve the plans of each committee before presenting same at a Boosters meeting

    • c.) Present an Executive Committee report at the regular monthly meeting of the Boosters

    • d.) Approve expenditures within the limits of said Committee’s authority

    • e.) Establish a reasonable Cash Management procedures

    • f.) Appoint chairpersons of all committees except the Nominating and Auditing Committees. Those two (2) committees shall choose their own chairpersons.

    • g.) Prepare an annual budget and submit same for approval at the regular monthly meeting August, and

    • h.) Recommend to the Boosters for approval such rules, as necessary to meet the intent and mission of the Boosters.

  • Section 1: Election of officers and trustees shall take place at the regular May meeting of the Boosters. Officers and Trustees shall serve for one (1) year beginning August 1 following their election in May. The President is limited to two (2) elected full year consecutive terms. An individual may serve as President in different terms if the individual has been out of the office for at least one (1) year.

    Section 2: If a vacancy occurs in any elected officer or trustee position, the person filling that vacancy will serve until the next annual election at the regular May monthly meeting of the Boosters or until their successor is duly elected and installed. The period of time a person serves a vacancy shall not be counted against him or her in regards to the term limitations set forth in Section 1 above if such person is elected in the same position he or she is filling as an officer or trustee.

    Section 3: Election of officers and trustees shall be by secret ballot. The nominee receiving the most votes shall be declared elected. If there is only one (1) nominee for any elected position, the President shall instruct the Secretary to cast the elective ballot for the sole nominee.

  • Section 1: The President shall:

    • a.) Preside at all meeting of the Boosters and Executive Committee

    • b.) Coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the mission of the Boosters is promoted

    • c.) Appoint parent representatives for extracurricular activities at Colerain High School

    • d.) Establish such committees as necessary with the approval of the Executive Committee

    • e.) Appoint at the March regular meeting of the Boosters a nominating committee of at least three (3) members in good standing

    • f.) Appoint at the March regular meeting of the Boosters an auditing committee of at least three (3) members in good standing

    • g.) Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating and auditing committees and

    • h.) Perform other such duties as may be prescribed by these bylaws or assigned by Boosters or Executive Committee.

    Section 2: The Vice President shall:

    • a.) Act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by these bylaws or assigned by the Boosters or Executive Committee.

    Section 3: The Secretary shall:

    • a.) Record the minutes of all meetings of the Boosters and the Executive Committee

    • b.) Handle all correspondence necessitated by the activities of the Boosters and the Executive Committee

    • c.) Take attendance at all Booster and Executive Committee meetings and

    • d.) If requested by a member in good standing in attendance at a meeting of the Boosters or Executive Committee, shall verify that all votes cast on a particular matter at such meeting were by members in good standing.

    Section 4: The Treasurer shall:

    • a.) Receive and disburse all funds of the Boosters

    • b.) Deposit and/or invest all Boosters funds in a manner approved by the Executive Committee

    • c.) Keep a complete and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements

    • d.) Be responsible for the accurate and appropriate maintenance of all financial books and records

    • e.) File a monthly report with the Secretary

    • f.) Make a monthly financial report at each regular meeting of the Boosters and at such other times as requested by the Executive Committee.

    Section 5: The Trustees shall:

    • a.) Be responsible for oversight of key Boosters functional areas and

    • b.) May take direct responsibility of a key Boosters functional area or work directly with the Chairperson


    Section 1: Membership Chairperson shall:

    • a.) Endeavor to increase membership

    • b.) Keep an accurate list of all members and all members in good standing and

    • c.) Notify the Secretary of new members

    Section 2: Capital Projects Chairperson shall:

    • a.) Coordinate all projects

    • b.) Preside over a committee meeting consisting of the Principal, Athletic Director, President, Vice President, and Past President to review project opportunities and establish a priority list

    • c.) Report in detail at each regular monthly meeting of the Boosters the progress of projects currently under way and

    • d.) Provide quarterly updates to the Executive Committee detailing financial projections against what is budgeted for projects in the annual budget.

    Section 3: Program Chairperson shall coordinate the advertising sales, layout, printing, and sales of the sports programs.

    Section 4: Concession Chairperson shall:

    • a.) Coordinate the operation of all Concession Stands for all sports

    • b.) Provide a monthly report at each regular meeting of the Boosters detailing revenues and expenses and

    • c.) Provide quarterly updates to the Executive Committee detailing financial performance against what is budgeted for Concessions in the annual budget.

    Section 5: Spirit Wear Chairperson shall:

    • a.) Coordinate all operations of Spirit Wear sales at Colerain High School including, games, store operations, and special events

    • b.) Provide a monthly report at the regular monthly meeting of the Boosters detailing revenues and expenses and

    • c.) Provide quarterly reports to the Executive Committee detailing financial performance against what is budgeted for Spirit Wear in the annual budget.

    Section 6: Corporate Sponsors Chairperson shall work to identify and solicit Corporate Sponsors to augment the funds received from individual members.

  • Section 1: Parent Representatives shall:

    • a.) Keep the Boosters informed of the needs and accomplishments of the various athletic and non-athletic programs supported by the Boosters and

    • b.) Assist in obtaining volunteers when needed to support any of the Boosters events

    Section 2: The Colerain High School Athletic Director shall keep the Boosters informed of the needs and accomplishments of the athletic programs from grades 7 through 12 and shall be a member of the Executive Committee of the Boosters.

  • Section 1: The Executive Committee shall have the authority to make non-budgeted expenditures of up to $500

    Section 2: Members of the Boosters may vote on expenditures of up to $500 without prior review of the Executive Committee.

    Section 3: All expenditures over $500 must be reviewed by the Executive Committee before submission for approval by the members of the Boosters.

    Section 4: Committee Chairpersons shall have the authority to make expenditures up to $500 without prior review by the Executive Committee. Expenditures over $500 must be reviewed by the Executive Committee before submission for approval by the members of the Boosters.

    Section 5: The funds of the Boosters shall not be expended on behalf of any individual student to attend functions such as, but not limited to, camps, all-star or national competitions, or workshops, including travel and all other associated expenses for such events.

    Section 6: The Boosters shall provide funds for maintenance of all team banners to be displayed in the gymnasium to recognize any athletic team placing in the “Top 4” of OHSAA sanctioned State competitions and for league and tournament championships.

  • Section 1: The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least 1 member in good standing for each elected position at the Boosters regular monthly meeting in April. The election will be held at the Boosters regular monthly meeting in May. Any member in good standing may make nominations for any elected position from the floor at the May meeting provided the consent of the person being nominated has been obtained by the person making the nomination.

    Section 2: The Auditing Committee shall conduct an annual audit of the Treasurer’s financial records according to the standards established by the Executive Committee. The Auditing Committee shall file its report with the Secretary at the Boosters regular monthly meeting in September.

  • Section 1: Unless modified by the Executive Committee, the order of business at all regular monthly meetings of the Boosters shall be as follows:

    • a.) Call to order

    • b.) Reading and approval of Secretary’s minutes of the prior monthly meeting

    • c.) Treasurer’s report filed for audit

    • d.) Executive Committee report

    • e.) Athletic Director’s report

    • f.) Committee and Parent Representative reports

    • g.) Old business

    • h.) New business

    • i.) Announcements

    • j.) Adjournment

  • Section 1: The Boosters shall not endorse any particular candidate or slate of candidates for any public office or permit monthly meetings to become a forum for any candidate to introduce himself/herself, their political views, makes any statements regarding campaigns or issues.

    Section 2: The Boosters shall permit any administrator(s) or school board member(s) in the official capacities to address a regular monthly meeting only on issue(s) pertaining to the school district.

  • Section 1: These Bylaws may be amended at a regular meeting of the Boosters by a 2/3s affirmative vote of members in good standing in attendance and provided a quorum is present at said meeting.

    Section 2: The text of any proposed amendment(s) of these Bylaws shall be presented in writing at a regular monthly meeting of the Boosters. Voting on the proposed amendment(s) shall take place at the following regular monthly meeting of the Boosters.